Appointment Request
Please use the form to request a 30 minute appointment with library staff.
We offer appointments for
Name *
Email or Phone Number *
What is your appointment about? *--Select an option--Help using Library ResourcesResearch AssistanceTechnology Help
What can we help you with? *
What have you already tried?
For technology or ebook help: What device are you using?--Select an option--Android phone or tabletiPad / iPhone / iPodKindleLaptop - MacLaptop - PCNookOther / Don’t know
What kind of appointment do you prefer? *--Select an option--In-Person AppointmentVirtual Appointment (Zoom)Phone Appointment
What is your preferred Library location? *--Select an option--Anderson IslandBonney LakeBuckleyDuPontEatonvilleFifeGig HarborGrahamKey CenterLakewoodMilton-EdgewoodOrtingParkland-SpanawaySouth HillSteilacoomSummitSumnerTillicumUniversity Place
Anything else we should know to help make this a positive learning experience for you?